17 Customer Testimonials

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Ease in using DVD Empire to find and order a DVD

Cheryl Freeman
I had never heard of DVD Empire until I was searching the internet for a DVD I wanted. The ease of using DVD Empire from searching for what I wanted to making my purchase and order filled was excellent. I shall be using DVD Empire in the future and refer my friends to DVD Empire for their needs.
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Best DVD site ever.

K. Fields
I have purchased from many dvd sites and now I have been a customer here for about 8 years now and hands down this is the best place to buy dvds I do not plan on buying my dvds from anyone else so I thank you.
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This is a Good Company

This is a good company. Website is friendly informative and not over complicated. Products are revealed honestly and openly with several picutes of what is inside the box. Orders are processed quickly and the customer is informed throughout the various steps along the way. Many vendors have what seems to be a behind the scenes operation, they say they carry a product, then order it after you give them your money. They will not inform you about where they are in processing your order. Some companies give you one or two of the above, this company gives you pictures, reviews, in stock status, multiple payment methods, quick order processing. I will aim to shop here as much as possible.
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seriously satisfied

these DVD s are mine to watch anytime, full of great stuff I love to watch, here in just a few days I seriously recomend purchasing your favorite DVD s here!!!
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About Mash

Ty Was a gift for Oldest Son He Loved It He Loves The Mash Shows Ty Again Debbie
 Film Content Overall Service


bob cool
received dvd in good condition. good delivery time content very good. enjoyed
 Delivery Film Content Overall Service


This movie was very good,It arrived very quickly,Lets say it made our 12th anniversary a very menorable one
 Film Content Overall Service

Great dvd

Very nice dvd. speedy delivery
 Delivery Film Content

three dale story

the movie was great,, it really let us enjoy the earnheart life,, as we know it,, up to the end,, thanks to dvd,empire,, we were able to find it when everybody told us it was sold out,, thank you dvd empire
 Film Content Selection

andy griffith - season one

carolyn betz
Our family recently purchased season 1 and have been extremely pleased. No phony theme song, VERY good quality! Have already ordered the second season and will look forward to more. Thanks!!
 Film Content Overall Service

Making a brother's absence easier

Charles Jones
This was DVD was for my little brother which is 16 now. I took him to see this movie for his first movie years ago and it was a happy time for him. He remembered this and I thought it would be cool to buy it for him. I now live many miles away and so I don't get to see him that often and all he talks about is this outing. This movie was more than a movie it was memories and now he has the movie and the memories all in one. Thanks for making this happen. You have made a kid and a kid at heart happy. I will return in the future for my DVDs.
 Film Content

Laurel & Hardy Silent Classics Vol# 1,2,3 and Laurel and Hardy 14 Program Set

John Sommer
I received all four movies shortly after ordering them. The prices were great. More important was the fact that I was able to get these movies. Trying to build a collection of the funniest comedy team of all time is very difficult. Laurel and Hardy set the standard for how comedy teams measure success. These movies are just as funny now as they were 80 years ago. I am very satified.
 Delivery Prices Film Content

Dependable-relieable-satisfaction to the art of perfection

The most easiest site on the internet to make a purchase.What you ask for you receive with the best product that is out there,no bootlegs,or cheap copys,all original products.Easy to use couponds and shippied as advertised.(mostly free)The best part no credit card needed.I wouldn't think it would be possible to make this site any better.DVD EMPIRE is PERFECTION....Thankyou spiderman!!!!!!!!!!
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thorn birds

dvd was received promptly in excellent condition excellent movie
 Delivery Film Content

The Best!

Clinton Coddington IV
This is the absolute BEST place to order DVDs.
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